
17 March 2020

Still Delivering – but we need your Cooperation

We’d firstly like to reassure all of our customers that Y Pellets plan to continue delivering pellets throughout this Covid19 pandemic unless otherwise instructed by the Government. We have planned a number of contingencies to both allow us to continue to operate and both you and our own employees and we’d like your help:

All customers

  1. As far as possible our delivery drivers will be avoiding contact with anyone during the unloading of pellets.
  2. Once the delivery has been completed all paperwork will be:
    1. Left in the boiler house
    2. Posted through a suitable letterbox
    3. Left in a designated area that you specify – please call us with this information
  3. We have asked our drivers not to look for a signature from customers
  4. We may try to complete deliveries outside of the usual business hours to help minimise the chance of meeting others. If this is the case, someone from our office will call beforehand and check that this is possible
  5. If you have site specific requirements linked to COVID19 preparations, particularly those with care homes, schools and healthcare facilities, please make the office aware of the prior to a delivery.
  6. If your site has had an outbreak of Covid19 and is in isolation, please inform our office prior to delivery so that we can manage the risk together.

Home Owners

  1. If there are specific requirements for delivery at your home can you explain these to the office prior to delivery and otherwise ensure there is a safe distance of more than 2m from our drivers at all times.
  2. If your or your family are currently in self-imposed isolation please inform our office prior to delivery so that we can ensure no direct contact is made while onsite.

Business Owners

  1. If there are specific requirements for checking into or out of your particular site, can you ensure that these are unmanned or that your employees are a safe distance of more than 2m from our drivers
  2. If you have site specific requirements linked to COVID19 preparations, particularly those of you with care homes, schools and healthcare facilities, please make the office aware of the prior to a delivery.
  3. If your site has had an outbreak of Covid19 and is in isolation, please inform our office prior to delivery so that we can manage the risk together.


During the whole of the Winter so far we have continued to ensure that our delivery times are within 5 business days of ordering and we aim to keep this as standard, but with potential restrictions to movement and particularly families being in homes longer we have already seen customers refilling in preparation. We’d advise you to consider this now so that you can plan for a delivery rather than run out while we still have Winter weather to contend with.

We’d like to thank you as always for being a customer of Y Pellets and therefore supporting local business, and hope that you understand the measures we are taking are for the good of us all.

Many thanks for your understanding,

Neil Holland

Managing Director

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