

Commercial Sector

High quality pelletsHigh quality pellets
Friendly, expert adviceFriendly, expert advice
Dependable deliveriesDependable deliveries
BSL authorised supplierBSL authorised supplier

Y Pellets supply different businesses the length and breadth of the country, ranging from the hospitality sector (hotels, B&B’s and carehomes) to manufacturing to food and retail.

"Some of our sites are out of the way and not always easily accessible. With their state-of-the-art fleet and up to 8 wheeled vehicles we know Y Pellets can and will deliver, which gives us real peace of mind each time we order."

See what other Commercial Sector clients have to say about us:

"In our industry guest experience is everything and it's important for us to provide and maintain a warm and comfortable environment - especially during colder winter months. With Y Pellets we can rest assured that we have constant access to heat when we need it most and continue to choose them for their friendly, professional manner." 

"Continuity of supply is essential for us as we have a duty of care to our residents, some of whom have health issues. We discovered that when Y Pellets commit to a contract of a specific volume they do so based on customer forecasts for future meaning we would never be without supply as they can always deliver on their promise and we were sold."  

Start saving money on your energy bills

To find out more contact our Customer Care team on 01405 840095

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